

For teaching BU CAS CS 525: Compiler Design and Implementation.

Mirroring this repository

Please create a private repository that mirrors this one and update frequently.

Step 1:

Please clone the class repository:

git clone https://github.com/hwxi/CS525-2020-Fall

Step 2:

Please create a repository of your own. For instance, the following one is created for my own use:


Then please mirror-push the class repo into your own repo:

cd CS525-2020-Fall
git push --mirror https://github.com/hwxi/CS525-2020-Fall-hwxi
git clone https://github.com/hwxi/CS525-2020-Fall-hwxi
git remote add upstream https://hwxi@github.com/hwxi/CS525-2020-Fall.git

Step 3:

Please remember to sync with the class repo frequently:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master master